Episode 76: Should I Homeschool?

Should I Homeschool? Many people find themselves debating whether or not to homeschool their child. We’re going to explore some scenarios and give you the answer. In our Coop Q & A, we answer the question, “Does my child need to be enrolled in a public school to receive special services?”



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Scoop on the Coop

Mandi learned to tie dye in preparation for her 10 year old’s birthday party! It was a fun, messy craft. Jessica took full advantage of the good weather in San Diego to school outside.

In What Scenario Should I Homeschool?

Between the ever growing popularity of homeschooling and those who experienced it as a result of Covid, there are people who wonder if they should homeschool their child. 

Scenario #1: I want to customize my child’s education - should I homeschool?

Perhaps before your child is school-age you dream of all the things you want your child to learn but are concerned that government schools can’t provide them.

  • Homeschooling can look any way you want, include subjects that are most important to your family

  • Government schools are unable to customize education or even treat students as individuals. Education becomes one-size-fits-all

  • Maybe you don’t like the content being taught - you don’t have to accept it

Answer: Yes, you should homeschool!

Scenario #2: My child is struggling in school - should I homeschool?

Maybe your child is struggling to “keep-up” or is “falling behind” it can be so tempting to provide them an alternative and prevent their struggles. If our goal to create lifelong learners, maybe taking the struggle out of the equation can help them love learning.

  • The constant testing, comparison, and competition at government schools leaves many children struggling in one way or another. Homeschooling can remove that

Answer: Yes, you should homeschool!

Scenario #3: My child is getting bullied/harassed/picked-on - should I homeschool?

Some people view these situations as typical childhood struggles or rites of passage. But, children don’t thrive in these environments - how can they possibly learn?! You don’t have to accept this as normal, you can give your child a loving, encouraging, and safe environment for your child to learn and grow.

Answer: Yes, you should homeschool!

Scenario #4: We are slaves to the school schedule/homework - should I homeschool?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have more time to be a family? For your kids to have and pursue interests outside of school?

Answer: Yes, you should homeschool!

Scenario #5: My child has special needs - should I homeschool?

Whether your child is an atypical learner or needs a special environment to learn, homeschooling can solve that problem.

  • Children that are easily overstimulated don’t learn well in institutional school settings. 

Answer: Yes, you should homeschool!

Coop Q & A

Question: I have a child that I think might have a learning disability. My friend suggested getting the child tested to get an IEP and services. Would I need to enroll in the public school to receive those services?

Answer: The simple answer is no. Services are available to all children, though they will either be privately paid or received through the school district with some fight.

For reading and other learning challenges, Mandi suggested: The Struggling Reader 

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