The Coop Homeschool

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Operation Ouch

We love Operation Ouch! It is a YouTube Channel hosting by twins, Doctors Chris and Xand full of fun lessons on the human body. They answer common questions about the human body creatively through lab experiments, consulting experts, and polling people on the street.

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Operation Ouch uses real-life accidents and injuries that children experience to teach about hospital procedures, cures and treatments and even follow-ups to show how the body heals. Doctors Chris and Xand offer a mobile clinic where kids can come in and ask a question about something they might find unique about their bodies and get answers from the doctors. Another interesting segment they have is riding along with a paramedic responding to emergency calls. An added bonus is that they are in England, so you learn about some differences in their emergency system - like dialing 999 instead of 911. Our children noticed that right away.

Operation Ouch is hilarious - perfectly designed for kids, though I loved it too! My 4 year old begged to watch Operation Ouch everyday during our study of the human body. Highly educational! While funny, Doctors Chris and Xand provide in depth information on the human body, diseases, injuries and more. They don’t shy away from gross or taboo bodily functions. Poop, farts and burps made for some hilarious and cringy episodes.

We found Operation Ouch to enhance our Human Body Unit Study by Gather ‘Round Homeschool, another fave of ours! We continue to use Operation Ouch to answer any questions about the body that come up spontaneously.

Some of our favorite Episodes are when Xand Gets Drunk for Science andExcellent Ears. Go learn something interesting today!

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